The No Ring No Bring Policy

The No Ring No Bring Policy


The No Ring No Bring Policy has returned or did it ever leave? Let me explain with a little background. Weddings are by far the best place where two people can show not only their love, but their commitment to each other. Its where family and close friends attend the couple’s special day to honor and celebrate lasting love. Our course for many couples weddings are a huge commitment both financially and emotionally. According to the CDC more than 2,096,000 couples are married each year. That’s billions or dollars and countless hours spent on a wedding. With all of this comes the notion that couples want to ensure their wedding day is spent with people they actually know. Most couples are of course the ones who cover the cost of food, beverage, venue and everything else. Well unless you are certain couples like the ‘Newlyweds‘ from Bravo TV’s newest show who think guests shouldn’t be cheap on gifts and help cover the cost of their wedding. So with such heavy committment invovled in a wedding some couples have opted the No Ring No Bring Policy. The No Ring No Bring Policy I belive has two benefits to it and certainly a lot of controversy as well. The benefits are found in couples who want to know who is attending their wedding. This is a big moment where you want to share it with your family and close friends not strangers. The other benefit is the amount of money you will save on the total cost of your wedding. Should couples pay for the Plus 1 who so happend to have been invited simply so the guests who was invited doesn’t feel alone? Or what about the girlfriend or boyfriend who has been seeing the invited guests for only a month? With the No Ring No Bring Policy, couples are not subjected to paying for people who they do not know or don’t have strong ties to. It’s as if you went to a restaurant and was handed a bill for the couple next to you and asked to pay. The drawback to this is when your invited guests are informed of the No Ring No Bring Policy and they do not show up alltogether. Or gossip floods your wedding because now people think you are cheap and can’t afford the wedding. Why invite so many people if you are worried about the costs? Should you just make it an intimate wedding where you know everyone? The solution is rather simple to this dated rule. If you want specific people to attend your wedding, send our specific invitations. For instance, if you know couples are established send out an invite which says Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. This way they know who exactly is invited. For those who are single or aren’t as established send out an invite with their name only. Should the question arise if they can bring a Plus 1, kindly ask them to bring someone special. It doesn’t hurt to remind them that the guest list is limited. If you have a good budget and do not mind more guests then this shouldn’t be a factor. For those who want to use the No Ring No Bring Policy and ensure the right people attend your wedding, simply be tactful in how you invite your guests.

The post The No Ring No Bring Policy appeared first on District Fete.

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