Love My Dress UK Wedding Blog

Love My Dress UK Wedding Blog


Good morning lovely newly engaged blog readers! How does this first thing on a Friday morning feature find you? Very well, I hope, and ready to wind down for the weekend.

It's been a couple of weeks now since we kick-started our 2014 wedding blog adventure and so far, we've loved every moment. After just two weeks there are already some hot contenders for our top ten favourite weddings of 2014, our visitor stats have soared and the feedback we're received has warmed our cockles no end.

By now, our longer-term regular readers will be aware of the pattern to which we like to blog - but we appreciate that our new readers will still be discovering how we like to do things. To be honest, it's pretty straightforward; we blog beautiful weddings, beautifully. We share the story as well as the images because we know the story is partly what inspires our readers so. But we're more than just weddings. As well as beautiful films, beauty tutorials, DIY features and inspiration boards, we also like to explore and examine issues surrounding the values of love and marriage and all things associated with planning a wedding, through our thoughtfully written discussion posts. We've an impressive archive of discussion posts already under out belt, but we are really keen to add to this by writing meaningful features that we know you, our readers, will find useful, helpful and inspiring.

Print from AmandaCatherineDes on Etsy

So far, we've debated some of the more common issues that can cause friction when planning a wedding like, whether to invite children, if it's ok to walk down the aisle unaccompanied or skip on the wedding favours - what to do about that wedding budget and whether asking for money as a wedding gift OK. We've talked about vows, vow renewal, wedding day readings and considered what a perfect wedding is to us. We've considered if sometimes, we can all simply 'overthink' our weddings and we've also talked about what makes a wedding 'bloggable'.

We've reminisced about the first kiss and falling in love and reflected on the highs and lows of our first, second, third and fourth year of marriage. And we've also shared our planned and unexpected journeys in to motherhood and touched on the difficulties of conceiving.

Print from AmandaCatherineDes on Etsy

We've looked at practical issues like wearing glasses on your wedding day, wedding photography restrictions in church, and we've shed the light on corkage fees, catering costs and everything in between as well as shared our pearls of wisdom on how to avoid bad wedding suppliers. We covered all sorts of body image issues in our laid bare series and we listened when our some of our readers told us of the problems they were having finding a wedding dress that would fit and flatter their natural curves. We've also addressed the sticky subject of family politics and parents.

And finally, we've also braved it to venture in to unchartered wedding blog waters and consider really important issues, like racial equality, domestic abuse and getting into (and out of) debt as well as the sensitive subject of failed marriages and divorce and marriage and bereavement. And of course, we're on the hunt for our first team of blogging brides, The Lovettes (have you applied?!?). And that's not all!

It might seem like we've just about covered everything, but we're constantly looking to make Love My Dress the very best resource we can for our readers, so today, we'd like to ask you what you would like us to blog about in 2014, dear reader. Share your ideas with us and we will deliver!

We want 2014 to be a brilliant year for Love My Dress and all our readers - a place you can come and hang out virtually and always feel yourself, always find support and always feel inspired. And we're not afraid to tackle any issue either. So in the spirit of community and getting to know one another, may we invite you to respond to the questions below in the comments box;

* Tell us a bit about you! You don't have to share your name, we appreciate some of you prefer to remain anonymous, but, what do you do? Where do you live and why do you love to visit Love My Dress?
* Briefly, tell us how you met and how he, or you proposed! * Again, briefly (OK, we know some of you like to talk - and that's peachy perfect with us), tell us about your day, what you have planned, the vision you have in mind.
* Most importantly, please tell us if there any particular issues you are keen for us to explore? Or would you like us to revisit a particular issue we've already covered? Whilst we have your attention, if there is any other feedback you want to share - please do so now! You have our undivided attention to sock don't be afraid to hold back :)


Thank you for taking time to provide some feedback today ladies (and gents). It's super important to us that we stay connected with our community of readers and make sure we deliver what we know you all want - and we very much look forward to hearing from you!

Pop back at lunch time for the first of our two other features today.

Love Annabel and Franky

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