5 mywedding Hero Inspirational Stories

5 mywedding Hero Inspirational Stories


Our brides have shared their #myweddighero stories with us to honor the special people in their lives who have inspired them, made them laugh, or simply just saved their wedding day.

Below are some of our favorite inspirational tales from the brides themselves. Keep your tissues near - these emotional and moving stories are a motivating reminder why planning a wedding is not a one person job. These influential women are proof that you don't need super powers to be a hero!

Becky D.

My wedding hero is my mom! We got engaged while my mom was battling breast cancer. She had several surgeries and chemotherapy and we are so thankful and blessed that she has made a full recovery! She is the strongest woman I know and I am grateful she was able to be at our wedding! We had all of our guests wear pink ribbons in her honor!

Devin D.

My maid of honor.. my "main squeeze"... my best friend! The months before, the day before, and the day of would not have been what it so beautifully turned out to be without the help of this girl! She buttoned my dress, she wiped my tears, and held my hand the whole way through! I am so honored to have had her be a part of one of the best days of my life and I will forever cherish our wonderful friendship!!

Rebecca C.

My wedding hero is my sister-in-law. The month before my wedding, I was a complete and total train wreck. I had just finished my last semester of undergraduate credits, lost my job, and found out my father had cancer. Needless to say, I was at my wit's end. My two maids of honor were both busy with their own personal lives and issues they were having and did not have time to help me. Everyone was incredibly stressed. Tensions were high. I was nearing my breaking point. Then, my dear sister-in-law, who was not even originally in my bridal party, offered to fly up two weeks early just to be able to help me with all the arrangements. She was a godsend. As soon as she arrived, everything became easier. She was at my personal beck and call. With her there, I no longer had to stress about anything. I knew we'd get it covered together. The day before my wedding, I told her that it wasn't right that she wasn't part of my bridal party when she'd been such a savior to me. We did a last-minute addition, and she stood beside me through the whole ceremony. I could not have gotten through it without her. If anyone deserves a special thank you, it's her.

Kelley M.

"Kym to the Rescue!" My big sister and Matron of Honor was my biggest hero throughout all of the wedding planning and day itself! From helping with terrible weather issues (train and hair duty like woah!), to keeping a bridesmaid-gone-bad in check (drama patrol!), to adding a super fun "shoe game" to the reception, and being an over-all great listener and stress reliever, she saved the day. Kymmie put aside her own family to focus on me and my husband and truly help make it "Our Day!" Maid of Honor of the Year!

And last, but certainly not least.. the #myweddinghero winner, Alyssa M.!

"I am getting married November 7th and could not make it through this process without the love and support of my sister, Crystal. She has been there with me through tears (both happy and sad) and has been an amazing pillar of support. I am thrilled to have her by my side on the best day of my life."

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