Orthopedic wedding footwear - dare we say orthopedic chic?

Orthopedic wedding footwear - dare we say orthopedic chic?


Some of us who are getting married have special needs feet - we've got arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and/or countless conditions that cause us pain or discomfort. Chronic pain doesn't make us love cute shoes any less! And heck: some of us who don't have chronic pain just plain old LIKE shoes that feel awesome.

So, here are a few options for those of us who need (or just want!) lower heel heights, more arch support, padded footbeds, and a little more love for our toes. Obviously, you know your special foot needs best and I'm certainly not saying every one of these styles will work for every foot... but each of these brands all have a solid commitment to comfort, stability, and support.

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