Short Hair, Don't Care!

Short Hair, Don't Care!


This one's for the boho babes who rock a short mane.

Whether it be a 'Lob', a bob or a super awesome pixie crop, my hat is off in awe of you. How I wish I had the guts and the confidence to ace one of these styles; one day, maybe! In the meantime, at the request of one of my lovely boho brides, I've been poring over all the cropped bridal inspo I can get my mitts on and lusting after a pixie crop, big time! We're gonna look at the do's and don'ts of flower crowns, a few little lace additions, a shed load of skinny hippy head bands and the 6 commandments according to the bible of the cropped lady.

Scissors at the ready, long-haired ladies, I'd bet you'll be converted by the time I'm finished with you!

Ok, so if you rock a gorgeous blunt cut 'Lob' or bob, or any other slightly longer style (I'm not quite down with short-haired lingo, just yet!), don't be afraid to don a traditionally large flower crown on your wedding day; you'll absolutely nail it! As long as you've got long enough hair that a nice lock will sit around the nape of your neck, I think it's safe to say that an oversized crown, consisting of big-headed blooms, will look just incredible atop you gorgeous mane.

With this bigger style crown, place the crown in the traditionally forward position: right on the hairline, gracing your forehead. I think this is the main reason a slightly longer style is needed, as with this placement, the crown is very dominant around your face, so we need to see a little hair around the face too and down the neck to soften the edges and blend with the crown; nothing too stark.

I just love the last two asymmetric crowns, they work beautifully with a tucked up do or with shorter locks pushed to one side. Also can we talk about that pale, dusty pink colour?! It's heavenly!

Gorgeous Pixies! Don't worry, I certainly haven't forgotten you. If you gals fancy donning a flower crown, take a look at the inspo below! We're loving the half crown style, pushed slightly back from the hair line, allowing your fringe to swag elegantly underneath the flowers, softening their appearance. Pastels work fabulously, but don't be scared to go for some seriously bold colours too, balanced with a killer lipstick (check out the scarlet lipped babe, 3rd image down) they scream vibrance, confidence and a free spirit!

We're absolutely loving the styles below; that chic full fringe, a band of oversized daisies set back in line with her ears, followed by a body-filled back is just stunning and so original. Play around with your style, even if it's using a band of silk flowers in place of the real flowers you'll have on the day, we'd highly recommend testing out all possible placements for your crown. Take a thousand selfies, ask the opinion of your nearest and dearest and figure out what suits your crop and your face shape; no pixie is the same!

Oh, Keira! A super dark crop, a delicate scarlet crown, elegantly strong browns and the perfect dose of blush; be still my beating heart!

Mistakenly, I think I've previously assumed that anyone brave enough to work a short style is an absolute hair styler supreme; simply because I'm so abysmal at managing shorter hair! Of course, that isn't the case, so if you're looking for something simple, just to add that little bit of 'je ne sais quoi' to your sweet shortie, all you'll need is a single flower.

Whether you swoop one side of your hair back into a bloom-adorned clip, create or purchase an thin, invisible headband with a single or small cluster of flowers attached or simply tuck an oversized bloom behind one ear, the addition of this burst of colour and texture can enhance any cropped style tenfold!

Seriously though, how sweet are that last couple?! Her pixie is just insanely darling and the addition of a little bright yellow enriches her brunette tones beautifully. Major love for this gorgeous bride!

Haha, I can already hear you: 'With short locks?! Yeah, right!' But it can be done! Sure a tonne of hairspray will be involved and probably more kirby grips than your local Boots store currently stocks, but the results can be incredible. I think the key with this one is to embrace that slightly 'undone' look. I often find myself totally green with envy of a friend, who has managed her short crop in this beautifully dishevelled way for years now. You know those escapee wisps around your temples, at the nape of your neck, the ones you spend hours trying to restrain? Yeah, embrace them, lady. It's something I lust over all the time. You just don't get those gorgeously softening, effortlessly cool wisps with long locks; it takes a lot of teasing and ruffling! Run with it ladies, a little mess is healthy!

Also, book a couple of trial runs with your stylist, get her to play around with low slung braided crowns, sitting close to your hairline and the nape of your neck to catch all of your hair. And, of course, utilise sweet, small peonies and baby's breath to hide that kirby grip party that's holding your locks in place! There's nothing sweeter than a smattering of petals, but they prove super functional too!

Surely this one goes with out saying, but just in case you boho babes are doubting yourselves: short locks and lace head wraps are a match made in heaven! If you rock a pixie crop, go for something thinner and make sure you give your hair a healthy volume boost so that the wrap sits nicely within your luscious hair, rather than it being perched atop a flatter style. But if you wear your hair slightly longer, the world of lace headdresses really is your oyster! Wide bands look incredible, especially with full fringes, as the hair remains visible through the lace and thus doesn't overpower your style at all.

Oh, how we love this style! Working at its best on lusciously wavy bob length hair, a skinny, elasticated band is just the epitome of boho cool. Allow hair to become a little dishevelled up top (this may take a bit of light backcombing before adding the band) and textured through the rest of your mane, so the band cuts into your voluminous waves. As well as full bodied hair, the key to this look is to wear the band low; the edge of your hairline is really the highest point at which this style will work, obviously we're not talking as low as your eye brows (that'd be a pretty major fail!), but confidently wear these skinny bands across the middle of your forehead for a truly boho look.

Ok, so I don't claim to be a short-haired goddess, but from my research, these 6 commandments seem to prove pretty useful when it comes to absolutely owning your cropped look, but please, if you have your own go-to rules leave a comment below - the more advice the merrier!

1. Open up Your Eyes

This gorgeous babe has absolutely nailed this look. She's dabbed a bit of highlighter ( this one's my favourite for a sun-kissed glow) at the inner corners of her eyes, on her brow bone (just under the outer edges of her eyebrows), as well as using it to subtly highlight the line down the middle of her nose. This use of highlighter, plus a good set of eyelash curlers and subtly enhanced strong brows really opens up her face and makes the most of her cropped style. With shorter hair, especially pixies, your entire face is exposed, so make it glow!

2. The Colour Pop

Three words for you: bold, matte lipstick. For that edgy, super cool confidence: add a bright lippy. Whether your bob's tucked into a vintage style up do or worn down around your face, a perfectly vivid pout is the finishing touch.

3. Earrings, Earrings, Earrings

Another amazing way to add a pop of colour, donning a pair of pretty significant jewels on your ears is gorgeously bohemian, so sophisticated and just ridiculously cool!

4. Veils: Set Back + Long

There are a million ways a short-haired girl could wear a veil, but for the boho bride, wear it set back on your head and as long as they come, so it trails right down your back. We love how these simple veils emphasise the beauty of a pixie crop.

6. Don't Fear the Wind

It can be the bane of a cropped gal's life, that gust of wind that puts your gorgeously sleek bob in a state of disarray, blowing your perfectly swept, super short fringe back off your face. But, in the world of Festival Brides, a gust of wind is a-ok. Nothing says natural, free spirited wild child than a shot of a beautifully wind swept bride - embrace it ladies!

Peach + Love,

Clare X

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