The Ultimate Guide On How Not To Behave At A Wedding

The Ultimate Guide On How Not To Behave At A Wedding



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As a wedding guest, there are certain standards of behavior that the bride and groom expect you to uphold.

Unfortunately, sometimes people leave their common sense at home. They'd be wise to check this Reddit thread that emerged Wednesday, which asked folks "What should you absolutely not do at a wedding?" and garnered over 16,000 comments.

If you don't have time to read all those, we did the hard work for you. Here are 17 things you should never do on the big day, lest you want to be hated forever.

1. "Do not bring up the subject of the groom's ex-wife, especially in a speech."

2. "Stick your finger in the cake."

3. " Pick up all the flowers the flower girl drops."

4. "Grill the bride and groom about when they are having children... I'm paying for your drinks is it that hard to just say congratulations?!"

5. " Get in the photographer's way, or take your own flash photos during the ceremony."

6. "I'm a divorce attorney. I've been told NOT to hand out business cards at weddings."

7. "If you are in the bridal party, don't get smashed before the wedding toasts/dinner. I went to a wedding where one of the groomsman passed out at the head table during speeches."

8. " Show up if you didn't RSVP/said you weren't coming."

9. " Organize a wager amongst the guests. They can bet how many weeks the marriage will last."

10. "Get drunk and blurt out something like ' I slept with your wife!'"

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11. " Hit on the bride."

12. "My mother in law stood up at my wedding reception and said 'This marriage between Henry and what's her name is never going to last.' I am 'what's her name.' Don't do that. I'm still angry 13 years later."

13. "Drink a quart of whiskey before the ceremony, refuse to put on a shirt during the ceremony and then sit in your car and blast techno the whole time because you were asked to leave. Someone did this at a wedding I was at on Saturday."

14. "Never stop the ceremony to propose to your girlfriend. Sure you'll have free pictures and video of it, but everyone will be pissed at you forever."

15. "If you are a bride, DON'T HOLD ANY BABIES. They are going to shit/piss/vomit/bleed/cry all over you."

16. "Request the DJ play 'The Rains of Castamere'."

17. "Don't bring random not significant partners to your friends wedding ... one of our groomsmen asked to bring the girl he had recently started dating ... a few years later, long after they had broken up, our friend bumped into her brother. He asked how she was doing. Brother's response? 'Not good man, she's in jail for life. She murdered our mother.' And that is how I came to have a murderer in my wedding photos."

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