Eggnog Spiked With Wedding Advice: How to Preserve Words of Wisdom

Eggnog Spiked With Wedding Advice: How to Preserve Words of Wisdom



  • How did Grandpa propose?
  • Where did you go for your honeymoon?
  • Did you make anything for your wedding, and if so do you still have it?
  • What are your secrets for a happy marriage?
  • Can you offer tips to my Future Husband about how to deal with me when I get cranky? Feel free to share a story from when I was young. :)

I can smell it already. The good food and drinks are coming. And so is the marriage advice from Grandma and all your aunties. The holidays are the time when extended family gets together to share good food and unsolicited advice. Now's the time to break out your phone and save that snarky wisdom to use in your wedding video.

Here are some interview questions to ask Grandma (modify for other family members):

These questions are sure to give you marriage advice that is pure gold. When you re-watch your wedding video, it'll be hilarious to listen to your dad explain how to make everything "coooool" after a disagreement:

  • Interview all the grandparents and parents on both sides about the proposal stories. In your video, you can interview your fiance, and include it in a montage with all the generational stories
  • If your Grandma still has whatever she made for her wedding, you may be able to use it as your "something borrowed" and film the two of you with it at the wedding
  • The weekend of the wedding, have your guests film marriage advice from each other. You can include earlier interviews with the ones from the wedding, so you're sure the most important guests get included in the video, even if they aren't able to attend the wedding itself.
  • What a great way to end a wedding video - a heads up warning from Grandma to your husband!

...or your aunt giving a-little-too-frank newlywed money advice:

Now that you've gotten the secrets to a happy marriage, here are some tips on how to use those interviews:

Although Shelley's Grandma couldn't be at the wedding, her advice was the star of the show (at the 45 second mark):

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