Bridal Shower Invitations to Match Your Theme

Bridal Shower Invitations to Match Your Theme


Cheesy games aside, bridal showers are pretty awesome. After all, you've been staring at reception details and Pinterest boards and real weddings for months with the bride-to-be. You're dying to take some of those party ideas for a spin! Here are some really fun bridal shower invitations to go with a variety of styles and themes.

One of the most popular themes for a bridal shower is hosting a tea party. It's popular for a lot of very practical reasons, actually. First, you can hold this party on pretty much any budget and at any venue. From a lavish shower with a delish sweet table and a large guest list, to a cozy gathering with darjeeling and cupcakes around your fireplace, tea parties are terrific parties. Above, this vellum paper tea bag invitation is filled with loose leaf tea. Below, if you like your tea with a generous side of nostalgia, this mid-century modern invite is for you.

Co-ed showers are growing more and more common. If the bride and groom each have friends of the opposite sex, this type of shower just makes sense. The two most popular co-ed showers are stock-the-bar parties and "Jack and Jill" household parties. Stock-the-bar parties revolve around cocktails and small bites, so this isn't a party that requires a ton of decor or details. This invitation below is perfect for a "Jack and Jill" party-one that focuses on the interests of the bride and groom. Maybe he likes to cook and she's super handy, or she loves to garden and he's into golf. Use their separate and mutual interests to select your decor and details.

Some bridal showers are themed in relation to what gifts the guests should consider bringing. Often, this can be ideal for a guest list that is on a budget (for example, recent college grads), and to help a bride "stock up" on what she needs. For example, a kitchen shower is great for a bride that hasn't lived on her own. Also fun (and saucy) are lingerie showers. It's lacy and frilly and a little PG-13, and is probably better for a guest list that doesn't involve grandmas or flower girls.

Not every bridal shower has to be super-themed, though. Just like the reception your friend is planning, you can pick some colors or just infuse your home (or other venue) with a little bit of frivolity. Modern metallic details are all the rage right now. Inject your party with these luxurious, feminine trend.

Take your invitation to the next level with an interactive element. These confetti poppers are designed like Christmas crackers, and are a festive way to let guests know about your shindig. We also love these cute fortune cookie invites-because who doesn't like receiving a whimsical package in the mail?

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