De-stress your registry with easy tools from SimpleRegistry (they even make thank yous easier!)

De-stress your registry with easy tools from SimpleRegistry (they even make thank yous easier!)


Let's see: you're in the market for an online registry with super duper flexibility in gift choices, an easy to use interface, lots of brain space-saving tools, and no-fee options, right? Yeah, we hear you. Our sponsor SimpleRegistry fits these needs and provides some game-changing tools to make even the thank-you card process foolproof. Let's explore what we can play around with on SimpleRegistry to make planning this wedding easier.

You might already know about the totally flexible registering options that allow you to add experiences, season tickets, indoor skydiving sessions, donations to a favorite charity, and more. Literally anything can be added to your registry, which is extra rad for those of us who don't necessarily need another toaster, but surely need an epic spa day.

What about the lesser-known tools that SimpleRegistry provides that align with your technology and process needs? Let us share:

Setup is EASY, seriously, and meets our tech-friendly needs

Customizing a registry is easy with nifty tools like the SimpleAdder (like a pin-it button for adding any item from any website), a free Mobile App (scan barcodes or snap a photo of anything and add it to the registry), and Instant Registry (pre-made lists of professionally curated items) for those of us whose timeline is short and need it done now.

Let your guests get in on the gift suggestions

You can actually crowdsource gift ideas with SimpleRegistry's new Item Suggestions feature. You can just send your family, wedding party, or all your guests a custom version of the SimpleAdder tool that allows them to suggest items from any website in the world. You can then choose which suggestions make the cut on the registry.

All the gifts can be redeemed as cash

When the wedding is over all gifts are redeemed directly as cash for maximum flexibility. Maybe you wanted a different color of something or decided to take a different trip? No problem! You'll be able to tell SimpleRegistry when you're ready to receive your gifts and they send a check or deposit funds directly into your checking or PayPal account.

Even saying "thank you" becomes easy

You can instantly generate a list of all guests, the gift(s) they provided, amounts, and their full contact information. Now that's how you handle your thank-you cards, amirite?

Make sure you're not ADDING stress to your wedding planning with your registry when a site like SimpleRegistry seriously lives up to its name. Go sign up and start adding those kitchen items, vacation ideas, and para-sailing adventures to your very own SimpleRegistry.

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