Refreshing Summer Wedding Beverages

Refreshing Summer Wedding Beverages


When the temperature starts to climb, nothing sounds quite so refreshing as an icy, fruity beverage. At your summer wedding, guests will be hot. Cool them off with one of these punches, lemonades, or iced teas. Above, we didn't know sweet and spicy could be as magical as the jalapeno-grapefruit margaritas above. It's tangy and has just the right amount of heat.

We've all had classic sangria, but this one (above) features pineapple and strawberries mixed with mint for a unique and tropical flair. The recipe suggests a chardonnay, but we also love it with a pinot grigio. Something this light and flavorful could easily go with anything from seafood to barbeque.

This yummy cocktail above offers an herbal twist on the classic screwdriver. It contains vodka, orange liqueur, and sprigs of rosemary. If you want something even more savory, this sage flavored punch is a delicious mix of gin, sage, oolong tea, and lemons. It's perfect for a warm summer evening on the patio.

Couples planning a rustic wedding will love this relaxed ginger beer-based punch (below). With just the right amount of simple syrup, bourbon, and white vermouth-it's a great beverage for beer drinkers and cocktail lovers alike.

If you love fresh fruit in your cocktails, you know that nothing is quite so awesome as fresh peach. This spiked sparkling peach lemonade is a guaranteed crowd pleaser, and easy to serve in large glass pitchers. Make sure to also read this recipe (below) for some really helpful tips on peeling and pureeing fresh peaches.

The downside to the summer weather is that guests can get dehydrated much more quickly. Make sure to also serve plenty of non-alcoholic options to keep guests from accidentally getting too tipsy. Below, this peach lemonade would be terrific to serve alongside the alcoholic version (just make sure to mark them carefully).

Or go with an entirely different flavor. This bright pink drink below is a sweet watermelon lemonade, which will be an absolute favorite among the younger set. Depending upon the age of your tiny guests, serve in open glasses or in lidded sippy cups.

Want to steal a Southern style treat? These two sweet teas are the answer to being too warm on a sunny day. You can flavor it with tart cherries (below, left) or go straight-forward with plenty of honey and strong black tea.

Credits: Camille Styles | How Sweet It Is | This Girl Walks Into a Bar | Stir & Strain | Food & Wine | The Kitchn | The Chic Site | Best Friends For Frosting | Love & Lemons | Chasing Delicious

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