20 Best Wedding Bouquets in France

20 Best Wedding Bouquets in France


Bridal bouquets have the ability to turn a beautiful wedding dress into a dream bridal ensemble, and so today we are looking at the 20 Best Wedding Bouquets in France. Whether you are seeking to follow the 2015 wedding flowers trends or have a signature flower that simply must be in your bridal bouquet, a professional wedding florist can create a bouquet that fits your dreams.

We are sure that you can find something on the list for inspiration....

Combining the signature colours of the wedding a local flower shop in Aquitaine in South West France created this pretty summertime bouquet ...

Packing a punch of colour is this red tone bridal bouquet created by Sol Y Flor for a Paris wedding......

Simply yet perfectly formed, is this beautiful bouquet by Jennifer from L'Arrosoir for a wedding in the French Alps...

Pretty yet traditional in keep with the wedding theme, created by La Wedding Boutique for a Normandy wedding...

Something about a yellow themed bouquet that fills us with the joys of Spring, created by Sarah Menager....

So which is your favourite?

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