A Wedding Book by Brosnan Photographic & Reader Offer

A Wedding Book by Brosnan Photographic & Reader Offer


Today we'd love to announce the publication of award-winning wedding photographer Christina Brosnan's online book Ever Yours. The book is a really useful collection of advice on how to get the best wedding photos possible as well as tips on how to lessen the stress of your big day. Illustrated with gorgeous images taken from weddings shot by the author herself, the book is beautiful as well as practical. We have featured Christina many times on Fly Away Bride (in fact we always jump at the chance) and today we have a little Q & A about her new book and what she's up to. Plus, don't miss the special reader offer below!

Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your business?

I'm a Chicago girl at heart but I've lived in Ireland for the past 11 years. I met my Irish husband in Paris in 2004 while I was studying photography. It was Valentine's Day as it happens. Quite the romantic story. But enough about us.

I started Brosnan Photographic in 2007 and was slightly reluctant to photograph weddings. I had dreams of travelling the world on glamorous fashion shoots, but those dreams were a little harder to achieve than I had realised. I made my way into weddings by pure chance and did the whole 'bring my camera to a friends wedding to get some experience and build a portfolio'. But, after my first few, I realised weddings suited me and I was quickly consumed by the constantly changing industry and immersed myself in it.

The book is great and as both a bride-to-be and a planner myself, I've found it a huge help over the past few weeks. What inspired you to write it?

I began writing weekly advice on my blog three years ago. Just things I noted while photographing weddings that if done differently would really benefit a couple's wedding photos or simply help manage the stress of a day. Occasionally I would notice a couple of mine implementing one or two of the tips they had read. I realised that at weddings where a couple had implemented my tips that it really helped me deliver better photos. I wanted to make all that information readily available in one nice package. The book began purely as something that I wanted to gift to my couples but turned into something bigger that could be shared with many more. My husband definitely helped encourage me into writing the book and he's been a big help with putting it all together.

Early on in the book you encourage the reader to define their style, to think about their venue choice and time of year, even the location that most represents them as a couple for their engagement session. In terms of couples matching their personal style to the work of a photographer, how does it look the opposite way around? What is your ideal client's style or aesthetic?

I suppose from my side I look for a couple who fits with my ethos and that I can connect with. I need to feel that a couple trusts me and what I do so that I can give them the natural photos, in a relaxed style, that they see in my portfolio. If their expectations are different than what I offer or if I don't feel they trust me it's not going to work.

Because we are a destination wedding blog, we were particularly interested in your sound advice regarding getting married abroad. I for one wasn't aware that perfume could attract mosquitoes. Is there a country that you particularly love to spend time in, work-wise or for leisure?

It has to be France. Apart for my pure love of the country the majority of my destination weddings have been in France. The food and culture are simply divine but I could drown myself in the French style and architecture every day. They make even the most rustic and old feel luxurious. It's that 'Je ne sais quoi'!

"Looking your best in photos" is a real eye opener and there are a number of points there that I would never, ever have considered as a bride-to-be. Do you find that most couples naturally ease into this or are you generally happy to keep directing them?

Every couple is different. Some are more comfortable, sure, but I've yet to come across a real couple who are completely comfortable or natural in front of the camera. There is always a little bit of directing, however I would never push them if something feels or looks forced. I do have positioning that I like to guide them into but then I'll let them do what feels comfortable in that position. You'd be surprised though, when the wedding dress goes on I think it triggers something that makes them feel a little more ready to be in front of the camera. Most people expect photos on their wedding day so they will be more ready for it than, say, on an engagement session.

As a photographer, is there a moment during a wedding day that gets you every time?

It's different at every wedding. At some it's the emotional speeches, or if they cry during their vows, sometimes a bride will quite literally take my breath away just as she's put on her wedding dress. Weddings are like a happy addiction, you're always waiting for your next high! It's part of why I love weddings, everyone is in their best form. It's a happy environment to work.

Now that you have an amazing book under your belt, what can we look forward to next from Brosnan Photographic?

With the launch of the book I'm also launching a new business. It's a completely new type of wedding service that focusses on implementing many of these ideas to help a couple achieve the best possible results for their wedding photos. While the website isn't fully ready I'm now available for Wedding Stage Directing and Consulting at Lux et Jolie.


Christina's book is available here and the good news is, Fly Away Bride readers get 40% off by using the discount code fab40. Happy planning lads and ladies!

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