Eight Reasons I'm Renewing My Vows

Eight Reasons I'm Renewing My Vows


When Mr. Rosenberg and I met, everything happened in a single breath. One year from our first date, we were married, with a baby on the way. We eloped in Las Vegas and had a small party at our house a few weeks later to celebrate. That was ten years ago. In a few weeks we will be celebrating with a vow renewal in front of 150 of our favorite people. It will look remarkably similar to a wedding, except we're already married. Why are we doing this?

I've been married twice before. Jeff has not. It's his turn to have the wedding experience. There will be a new suit, a boutonnière, shiny church shoes, and a cake to cut.

We will get to include our son, Bob. The vow renewal is a rededication of our love for each other as a couple, but more than that, it's an expression of love between the three of us.

After being together so long, his friends and family have become mine, and mine his. It's a celebration of all of us - the family we were born with and the family of friends we have chosen.

When we eloped, our vows were heartfelt, but extemporaneous. This time we will get to think about them before hand. We will renew the old (I will try to become more of a morning person), and add some new (I will never make you go to Costco alone.)

There will be dancing. I often say I have never seen Mr. Rosenberg dance, I've only seen him silly dancing to be funny. He says that IS what his real dancing looks like. We shall see. Any excuse to dance is a good one.

Ten years ago, I did not feel comfortable asking my friends and family to attend wedding number three. I didn't want "Lisa's Weddings" to start feeling like an annual event. This marriage stuck. It's a reason to celebrate.

It's a wedding without the Bride Crazy. There have been no bridal magazines purchased, there were no cake tastings, and there is no color theme. There is one Pinterest board dedicated to the event, but that's it. Pretty much. So far.

It's romantic. Not that Bob's soccer games and our family trips to Trader Joe's aren't romantic in their own way, but this will lift us out of the everyday and remind us how fortunate we are to have this life we've put together.

Do I think the evening will be a night to remember? I do.

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