The Bride Diaries. Emily's Anxiety Dreams & Strange Lull -...

The Bride Diaries. Emily's Anxiety Dreams & Strange Lull -...


This lovely Friday afternoon I am welcoming back resident real bride Emily (Happy Birthday for last month!!) who is filling us in on all of her wedding plans from the past few weeks. I just cannot wait to see that seating chart already and hear about how the dress fitting goes. YAY xo Lou

Image by Alessio Graldi

Gosh. It's been a busy couple of months.

We've now done all the 'big wedding stuff' - venue, photographer, bridesmaid dresses, catering, entertainment etc. We're now looking at another seven months before the Big Day and are in that strange lull that comes before the decorative crafty things must begin and we start living in Hobbycraft. By lull, I mean that we're in no rush to do anything major - which is just as well, as there's so much other stuff going on!

We're currently on tour with Jane Austen's Emma - I'm playing the eponymous lass herself and Pete's playing Mr. Knightley/Mr Elton/Frank Churchill/Miss Bates. Because when is one character enough? We've just got back from a three week stint in Ireland and are absolutely shattered (overnight ferry from Belfast, you can really do one). After nearly four years with the same company we've decided to leave and - gulp - look for 'proper' jobs. I have absolutely loved acting and who knows? Maybe one day I'll come back to it. But I've lost the real love for the life of an actor. Where it used to fill me with excitement, now I long for a job with a bit of stability, in which I can prove myself and be challenged, a home and evenings in with a glass of wine and a cottage pie. Perhaps I'm getting old (Oh - it was also my thirtieth birthday last month) but I can't think of anything nicer. Pete has brilliantly got a job at a high school as an Aspirant Teacher (an excellent position as an on-call cover for all teachers and technicians in the school) and he starts as soon as this tour ends, in December. I'm still looking; I've filled out so many application forms that my eyes are starting to blur permanently, but I know the right position will make itself known soon. I'm looking forward to a new chapter.

So travelling all over the UK and the Emerald Isle and job applications has pushed the Wedmin aside a little, but there's still lots to look forward to. I have my - eeek! - first dress fitting next month. It's unbelievably exciting. We've bought the guest book (Emma Bridgewater - I am such a fan) and some décor bits and bobs. But most importantly we've enlisted the help of many friends. I know some ridiculously talented people and they make up for my complete lack of artistic talent. The seating charts and table names are going to look superb, mainly because I won't be doing it! We've decided on the music and some of the readings and it shan't be long before we meet Father Roger about the service. So actually, now I come to think about it, we've done a lot more than I thought. The God is in the detail and all that.

I have started having anxiety dreams already (OH GOD I'VE FORGOTTEN TO BOOK THE MAKE UP ARTIST) (OH GOD I LEFT MY DRESS ON THE BUS etc) and I'm starting to get nervous about walking down the aisle in front of everybody without tripping up. But my one constant is Pete. He is my Person and I know that on the day, I will see his face and it will all be OK. Because I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend (best BOY friend, don't worry Poppy) and have cuddles and Netflix and Cottage Pie and adventures with him. And that's pretty cool.

Oh! And if anyone fancies seeing us giving of our Emma - the tour is on for another month, until the end of November - you can find the dates here: . So that's nice.

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