These papier-mâché animal bouquets will make you weep with beastly joy

These papier-mâché animal bouquets will make you weep with beastly joy


Narwhals, unicorns, lemurs, elephants, and woozles, oh my! These papier-mâché animal bouquets were made by artist and bride Mercedes from an upcoming wedding for which you're going to go wild. Mercedes and her groom Justin had an "Embrace your inner creature" theme which spawned a whole lot of beastly, natural, and super gorgeous DIY decor. That includes these kick-ass animal bouquets of real and imaginary creatures.

Our non-floral bouquet archive has a ton of amazing ideas for offbeat wedding bouquets, but the addition of a unicorn head bouquet? This is exactly about which we've been dreaming. Give us all your fantasy creatures in all forms.

OH: and they also had a DIY photo booth with handcrafted animal masks. YAS:

More animal magnetism

This wedding will be hitting your eyeballs big time later this week. Trust me, you don't want to miss it. Stay tuned!

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