A New Wedding Trend Worth Investing In

A New Wedding Trend Worth Investing In


While it is true, technology is supposed to make our lives easier, the reality is, it is doing the opposite. We are busier than ever. Our social media commitments are robbing us of our precious commodity - time- and we are left with the same lame excuse "I don't have enough time." Not to forget, how utterly overwhelmed we feel when we are given the task to 'choose'. How can we figure out what's best for us when the internet says that every decision should factor in at least 1000000 options?

So, imagine how overwhelming it must be for a bride and groom while planning for their wedding. The Pinterest-pedia inundates them with choices galore so much that there seems an incessant need to have every type of bridal accessories (from flower crowns to hand knitted garters), stationery, flower, chandelier, finger food to wow the crowd.

People, we need intervention! Especially on a wedding day. So please say hello to this a hush-hush trend that is slowly becoming the next big thing with the discerning brides and grooms. It is giving them the peace of mind in tackling one of the biggest tasks of a wedding - trousseau shopping. And, what is this trend? Shhhh...its the best kept secret, and it is....(soft drumrolls).... hiring a wedding stylist.

Yes, a stylist for your wedding that will ensure that not only you look your absolute best but also feel comfortable with some of the most stunning sartorial choices out there. In my quest to find a stylist, I just happened to come across Amy's (www.amylu.com) portfolio on Instagram, and was immediately smitten with her strong grasp on body types and how to style them. I reached out to her, and we met at a cozy spot in downtown Palo Alto for some delicious Blue Bottle coffee and amazing conversations on how brides can benefit from hiring a stylist for their big day.

[Photo courtesy: Amy Lu, Photographer: Greg Swales]

Q. Hello Amy, as you know, I first came across your work on Instagram, and was instantly smitten with your beautiful creations. Let's take a few minutes to learn a bit about your background.
A. Thank you. Yes, I love art, fashion and photography. I am passionate about the influence and inspiration it provides so I love to hear that you like it! I'm Canadian, originally from the British Columbia so am deeply inspired by nature, and I have French family and was exposed to the European sense of style early on. I also travelled extensively around Europe and Asia before I went to college and was totally inspired by fashion, textiles and style from around the world. I have loved fashion and photography for as long as I can remember. I used to spend hours going through National Geographic's and my parents epic record collection, then I found fashion magazines and kind of fell in love.

Q. Who and what inspires you? Any mentors?
A. Travel is my biggest inspiration, I just find it shakes everything up and allows me to see things with new eyes. When I stay in one place for too long, my ideas grow stagnant, so I like to keep moving! I love people that are passionate about their craft, and in terms of artists, Bjork and Alexander McQueen never let me down. I enjoy uber feminine designs such as Maria Lucia Hohan, Ellie Saab, Marchesa, and designers with a strong direction and voice like Gucci, Tom Ford, Gareth Pugh, Balmain. My favorite looks are a combination of 'so beautiful it could make you cry mixed with a bit of I don't give a sh**t.' And, I am sure you would agree, Kate Moss is the queen of this who makes it work perfectly in her style statements.

[Photo courtesy: Amy Lu, Photographer: Greg Swales]

Q. Amy, I am also interested in discussing wedding styling with you. How can a bride benefit from hiring a stylist? Or, how does a wedding stylist help a bride?
A. Sometimes it can be really beneficial to have an outside opinion. Good stylists are taste-makers and know what looks best but also can interpret what a client wants. Brides can get lost in the dream and vision of what they think they are supposed to look like instead of what they feel most comfortable and most confident in. I think having or consulting a stylist can really help a bride raise the bar and look and feel even more beautiful than they realized they could. The service of styling can mean anything from consulting and storyboarding to sourcing gowns and doing fittings; it is really catered to individual needs.

Q. Any tips and tricks you would like to share for the brides-to-be? How about for her wedding party as well?
A. You have to feel good first and foremost. It's impossible to look beautiful if you're feeling insecure in what you're wearing or if can't walk in your shoes. At the end of the day, it is your day of celebration so the the only thing that matters is that you feel amazing and enjoy your day. I think allowing enough time is essential, everything takes longer than you think it will. The earlier you start trying on dresses, the better, it will allow you enough time to change your mind and have time for multiple fittings. As far as wedding parties go, try and choose garments that will look good in photos and will be flattering to those who wear them too, look for silhouettes that are versatile and look great on all shapes and sizes.

Q. Bridal trends you see that should be a either a yes or a no?
There's so much more diversity and selection with bridal gowns now than there was even a few years ago. I love all the color that's happening (navy, black, red, pinks) and also the details like embroidery, flowers, and peek-a-boo lace. As fast as fashion don'ts, I love simplicity and classic looks. Don't get me wrong, I am all about being experimental and love trendy things too but don't think your wedding day is necessarily the best time to experiment.

Q. Amy, it was a pleasure having you discuss this new trend in the wedding industry, which I know will benefit the brides a lot. Any additional information you would like to add?
Thank you. But the most important thing to remember is that when all else fails, always revert back to number one style rule, which is wear whatever makes you feel good. That is all that really matters.
You can find more of my work at www.amylu.com and on Instagram: @amylustyle

To all the brides (and grooms) planning their wedding, go ahead, hire a stylist and allow some free time to flow into your life. You will be so glad you did. And, who knows, you could probably tweet about it. (wink!).

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