5 ways NOT to announce your engagement on social media (in GIFs)

5 ways NOT to announce your engagement on social media (in GIFs)


It's the start of the holiday season. You're full of tryptophan and ready for a nap. OR you're totally celebrating your freshly diamond-ed finger because your spouse (or you!) has just proposed. It's the holidays, love is in the air. It's engagement season, y'all.

If this is you, CONGRATS! We're so happy for you! And we want all your friends and family to be happy, too. So here are five ways NOT to announce your engagement on social media so you don't wreck all the fun with your wild antics and get everyone all:

Before it's official

You definitely don't want any premature engagement-ulation. I don't know what that is either, but wait until it's official. If you think it'll happen, it might happen, you're just drafting a post in case it happens... don't hit submit just yet.

Without letting your partner know

Hey, it's official! This means you can totally post and celebrate. Just make sure to give your partner a heads up before the notifications start rolling in. This is especially true if you haven't notified your main crew of friends and family who will want to know before the general Facebook public.

During someone else's hard time

If someone else just had a big break up, a job loss, an election loss (just kidding, totally announce it - we all need it!), wait a little while to announce. You don't want to give off any "I don't care, bishes, admire me" vibes.

With a gratuitous ring shot

Gratuitous is the key word here. A ring shot with both of you smiling? Awesome. A hug with the ring shown behind your partner? Cute. A big ol' close-up of your 3-carat cushion cut surrounded by glitter and mink? Maybe scale it back a bit.

RIGHT after someone else

It IS engagement season after all, so you may not be the only couple basking in post-proposal joy. If you do see a rogue announcement slip out right when you wanted to post your announcement, give it a few days. Give them a bit thumbs up, too, so they know you're rooting for them. Then share with them this link since they'll need it, too!

DO announce it if you want to

None of these tips mean you shouldn't announce on social media if you want to. It's how a lot of us share our life updates. Be sneaky with a surprise, toss in an animated gif, throw in a photo of you and your cat celebrating (oh wait, that's me), and post away! Then tell us how it all went down.

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