Свадьба - HowHeAsked


"Konrad and I had been mutual friends for a while, and one night, a few of us had plans to go to dinner. Earlier in the afternoon, however, I got a text that everyone else had cancelled and that it would just be Konrad and I that evening – the butterflies kicked in immediately as I'd always secretly had a crush on him. At the end of dinner, we strolled along the water looking for somewhere to sit, and we stumbled upon a rather ordinary bench, which we had no idea at the time would become a symbol in our relationship. As the moon reflected on the water, we sat there on the bench, sharing stories about ourselves and fueling the sparks between us. Every year since, we go back to "our bench" to celebrate our anniversary and instead of sharing stories about ourselves, we'd share memories that we'd created together..." ❤️ 6 years later, they moved away from their bench, but Konrad found the cutest way to incorporate it into his proposal still!

Источник : https://www.instagram.com/p/byuigqkafbo

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