Epic Las Vegas Elopement: Ainsley & Sebestien

Epic Las Vegas Elopement: Ainsley & Sebestien


When I featured Ainsley and Sebestien’s engagement shoot in September I dubbed it “the coolest engagement shoot to date”. I was pretty sure that their wedding would be suitably kick ass too but nothing (and I mean nothing!) could have prepared me for this. 

While I was hanging out with their wedding photographer Janneke Storm in Queensland, she started to tell me more about their upcoming elopement in Las Vegas. I made her promise then and there to send me the photos to blog afterwards. Luckily for me (and you!) she did.

Today my mind has been blown. What a way to start the year!

“Sebastien started making coffee at a local organic cafe that I go to a lot and it was love at first sight,” began Ainsley. “Then when he opened his mouth and I realised he was Canadian my love grew even stronger. Here was a guy on the Sunshine Coast that didn’t know anything about me. We live in a small place, or at least it was back then, and it was so refreshing to date someone I didn’t go to school with! We used the L word by the third date, moved in together after three weeks and five years later we got hitched.”

“Our #1 rule for our wedding was always to have an UN-WEDDING!” she continued. “We’ve both been there and done that and now was our time to say F.U to tradition! No family and no rules! For us this time round was an adventure with each other. We needed to go somewhere far enough away to discourage any guests, somewhere where the rules could be bent, but most importantly a place where the real king still reigns… there was always only one place on earth that could host our perfect day. VEGAS BABY!”

“I don’t think any photos or words could ever justify how much fun we had on the day. But Janneke did an amazing job of capturing some of our favourite moments – smoke bombs, car rides, running to our chapel to get there on time, hanging out in the grimy streets of downtown Vegas, matching Vegas tattoos, our first dance by the bins in some back street alley, desert hangs, ELVIS..!”

“My favourite memory from the day was jumping out of the back seat of the convertible while stuck in traffic on the way to the chapel to use the toilet in a Mexican restaurant I spotted across the road!” she laughed. “When I came out Sebastien was there looking for me, grabbed my hand and told me we had to run to our chapel to make it there in time. The traffic was almost at a complete stop and so on the way there people were cheering and applauding us. The road workers even directed us away from tar to protect my huge sequins train that was dragging along the street.”

“By the time we made it to Graceland the perfect white train lining of my dress and our shoes had turned grey and black where the fresh tar had high-fived them on the way. When we arrived I turned around and realised our amazing photographer was chasing us, managing somehow to snap some in-focus photos. At that point I lost it and the chapel receptionist almost refused us after hearing my shrilling high pitched hysterical laughter fit and mistaking it for being too drunk!”

“But the very best thing about our wedding was that we made it all up as we went along,” Ainsley concluded. “We had absolutely no idea what we would do that day, we just knew we had to be at our chapel by 2:45pm. This made for a completely stress and pressure free day.”

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