Teacup Candle

Teacup Candle


My mother-in-law is obsessed with flowery teacups. She collects them with saucers in her main cupboard in a livingroom. Her collection comprises over 30 cups from different countries all over the world. Whenever we come to visit her she takes out different sets to serve us fresh coffee. The look of these colourful beauties on the table always puts a smile on my face.

You can imagine how happy I was to find a Teacup Candle idea on Budget Savvy Diva. In this project you take a few easy steps to make a candle in any cup you want. I chose a rosy pattern for mine as it will make a perfect gift for Mother's Day.

If you are also fascinated by candles check out other ideas we presented. The ones you may really like are Crayons Color Block Candles or Powder Plaster Candle Votives.

Let us know how your cadle project are going. Don't wait to share the effects in our user gallery.

A neat tutorial of how to make Teacup Candle can be found here.

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