Wedding Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet


This Peony, Garden Rose, and Tulip wedding bouquet is sure to knock your socks off or take your breath away... or maybe even both!

While we breathlessly try to pull our socks back on take a look at this gorgeous Gatsby inspired shoot was created by The Leekers with fabulous floral elements from Blooms And Bouquets. Trust us you will want to keep scrolling and don't forget, there is always more to be seen in the full gallery too!

From The Leekers:
The inspiration behind this spring shoot comes from the 1920s, Great Gatsby, and the nature enthusiast. There are amazing details (many are hand made by theBlooms And Bouquets team): strands of feathers streaming down the mantel, a larger than life birdcage, lights, stunning centerpieces, lush floral works, and more! The sweet couple is set to tie the knot this year.

Photography: The Leekers
Venue: Wilderness Ridge Golf Club
Stationery: Ally B Designs
Flowers & Bird Cage: Blooms And Bouquets
Cake: Le Cupcake
Hair: Beth Bellows of Tranquility Spa and Salon
Makeup: Casey Donner of Sweet Jane A Salon
Dress shop: Blush Bridal Boutique
Groom's attire: Emsuds Clothiers
Prop/furniture rentals: Nostalgia Rentals
Models: Jenna & Casey

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