Cakes2Kreate - Polka Dot Bride

Cakes2Kreate - Polka Dot Bride


I am so ready to dive into this week. Mainly because it begins with cake, and cake is never a bad thing. They say a party without cake is just a meeting, so what then is a wedding blogger without cake? A thought to ponder this Monday morning!

Ms Polka Dot's Directory kicks off our posts every single week. it's a tradition we love because the members of Ms Polka Dot's Directory are not only amazing in their own right but they choose us - which helps us produce week after week of wedding content for you. Something we wake up every day thankful for. We love to do what we do!

So if you're looking for a wedding vendor - from Entertainment to keep you dancing until 4am, Cakes to cut and devour, Stationery & Paper Goods to set the scene and invite your favourite people, Venues to celebrate a, and Photography to capture it all! We're growing Ms Polka Dot's Directory every day and would love for you to check it out and find an amazing vendor you love!

I must admit, while I always adored wedding cakes I wasn't so much a fan of the sweet stuff but then I tried a modern day wedding cake. With ganache, butter-cream and the softest of sponges and I was hooked. So with that drool starting to form, I'd love to introduce you to our vendor of the week Cakes2Kreate!

Based in Melbourne under the creative eye of Lynette, Cakes2Kreate creates wedding cakes that not only look amazing but taste amazing! Working with Lynette you can dream as big as the stars - from delicate sugar blooms, lace edging, ruffle tiers, ribbon - Lynette's no stranger to challenging herself to make amazing and new designs and your cake will be home baked using the freshest ingredients. And then there's the flavours, oh the flavours! Think signature chocolate mud, salted caramel delight, raspberry swirl - and that's not even the cupcake flavors (which include butterscotch & almond, jaffa swirl and vanilla bean to name a few!)

To get to know a little more about Cakes2Kreate, we asked Lynette five questions in five minutes -

What is your favourite after five drink?

I recently went on holidays and indulged a bit too much (don't we all), so at the moment its water, tea, coffee or diet cola!

Your favourite weekend getaway?

Anywhere with the family especially when we book something spontaneously it makes it more exciting.

Favourite restaurant?

I have only eaten there once but it is still my favourite - Nobu at Crown.

What can we find you eating for breakfast on a Sunday morning?

It has taken me a while but I have now realised that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So now you will find me eating a hearty meal of eggs, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.

Your favourite wedding story?

It would have to be when my little girl was a flower girl at our friends wedding. She was 3 at the time and looked like an angel walking down the isle. I was so proud of her it brought tears to my eyes and still does when ever I think about it.

Visit Cakes2Kreate's page to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Cakes2Kreate is a member of Ms Polka Dot's Directory

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