20 black wedding dresses show you what macabre elegance looks like

20 black wedding dresses show you what macabre elegance looks like


White dresses are awesome. So are blue ones. And red. And green. But today, my friends, it's all about our Offbeat Brides who've rocked those smokin' hot black dresses. It's a shade that's totally appropriate year-round, but you know that a bride decked out in black makes for an extra sexy look this time of year. I've picked out 20 from our paaaaages-long archives ( dude. No lie. Pages.) just for you.

20. Black lace looks so beautiful when it spins.

19. The ultimate in sexy black dresses: the Vampira gown.

12. Black is perfect for a first tango.

11. Really does look so great against autumn leaves.

7. Black is the best contrast against falling snow.

6. Your black dress totally complements your bride's blue one.

Whatcha think, Offbeat Brides? Is a black dress in the cards for you?

About Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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