Why This Cushion Compact Is Breaking the Internet

Why This Cushion Compact Is Breaking the Internet


They're taking over the Internet, makeup aisles and the beauty sphere by storm. But, what are cushion compacts and what's so special about them, anyhow? Seriously, everything. Especially THIS one.

Imagine a beauty product that can fit in the palm of your hand, literally travel with you anywhere (without the fear of making a mess), and give you PERFECTLY glowing skin in just seconds. Now, stop imagining because the Lancôme Miracle Cushion is all of the above ... and then some!

This innovative fluid foundation is delivered in a unique, airtight compact cushion (hence, the name!) for buildable wear that makes on-the-go touchups a breeze! Need to dab on a little more coverage before lunch or heading out with the girls? Not so easy carrying around a bottle of liquid foundation, now is it?

The portable compact takes care of that problem, as it comes with a custom puff applicator that creates a smoothing effect when applied to skin. The formula itself is ultra lightweight and even gives off a cooling sensation to hydrate and brighten your complexion on contact! It feels as light as a BB, but acts like a hydrating foundation with a sheer finish for a healthy, dewy finish.

All you have to do is dab the puff into the liquid-soaked sponge and give your skin a swipe! And the best part? It's refillable. So once your product runs dry, you can pop a refill right into the compact! Sounds pretty foolproof to us!

We admit it, we love cushion compacts, but here are some other product picks we're currently obsessed with!

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