Perks of Wearing Eye Primer According to a Pro

Perks of Wearing Eye Primer According to a Pro


We love hearing from our panel of beauty pros about the latest and greatest beauty tricks. Today, we're lucky enough to hear from Los Angeles-based makeup pro Emily OliverWhat Exactly Is Eye Primer? on the benefits of face primer. Product Recommendations: Why Do You Need it? Urban Decay Original Primer Potion, How to Use ItYSL Couture Eye Primer, NYX Eye Shadow Base

Primer. For most people, primer's that stuff that goes on a wall before you paint it. For makeup artists, like myself, primer is a must-have product that should be applied before any makeup products, especially eye shadow. It is quick and easy to swipe on and makes a world of difference in the pigment and longevity of your shadow.

In a nutshell, eye shadow primer is a liquid- or cream-based product that is applied on the eyelids to make shadows and eyeliner go on smoother and last longer.

Here's how it works: Primer creates a base for the eyelids, absorbing excess oil and allowing for an even surface on which to work. Without primer, greasy eyelids can cause shadows to get that "creased" effect throughout the day, or have patchy and uneven application. Adversely, those with dry, primer-less eyelids will have shadow pigment disappear entirely in a matter of hours. If this is happening to you, grab your favorite eye shadow primer and follow my how-to below!

PRIMER: How to Apply Primer Like a Pro

After applying your daily eye creams and facial moisturizers, squeeze a tiny bit of primer onto a flat eye shadow brush, (I like the Giorgio Armani Concealer Brush) or your fingertips. Gently apply the primer onto your eyelids, starting from the lash line and working all the way into the brows (yes, the brows - this will make your brow products last longer). Remember to apply primer under the bottom lashes as well if you use shadow or liner under the eyes.

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Photo: thinkstock

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