Mad how-to skills: Using Google Spaces for wedding planning

Mad how-to skills: Using Google Spaces for wedding planning


We love us some Google Drive (formerly Google Docs) for wedding planning. You can create spreadsheets, shareable documents, and all kinds of helpful databases for your wedding planning team to use. Google just recently launched a new service called Google Spaces which functions as a project planning tool for sharing ideas, photos, links, YouTube vids, and all kinds of documents on which to comment and share between your people.

I can see so many uses for Spaces in the wedding planning space. Here's how we'd use Google Spaces for wedding planning.

Create a Space to start sharing

In Google Spaces, you can create separate project planning areas for various areas of your life (and of course, your wedding!). Or you can keep all of the wedding information in one space. In the example above, I created a space for my own "rustic unicorn wedding" (which doesn't actually exist, much to my chagrin! But if it did, boy would we have fodder to get it started).

Invite your crew

Invite your partner, your wedding planner, your mom, your wedding party, your vendors, and whoever wants in on the planning. You can invite via messaging, email, social media, or whatever method makes sense to you.

You may want to limit who you invite, just in case momthulhu (or other pushy helpers) start getting overbearing. Here's how to combat that.

Start sharing

Google Spaces has YouTube and Google search built-in, so you can start sharing documents, links, and other information with your wedding planning team. Everyone can comment and share so all of the necessary information stays in one place.

You can also search conversations and even images with their built-in search.

They also offer a browser plugin that allows you to share links on the fly as you browse. Super easy stuff. I have a feeling this is where we'll start to see features being added as it matures, too.

Download the mobile app

In addition to being able to use Spaces on your computer, you can install on Android or iOS

Google Spaces just launched this month, so lots of things are new. But I can totally see lots of uses for sharing wedding planning ideas between your wedding crew for responses, decision-making, and opinions.

You can read more about the features over on Google's development blog or see it in action.

What web tools are YOU using to make wedding planning easier?

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