How to Repair Your Hair After a Summer of 'Beaching' & 'Blonding'

How to Repair Your Hair After a Summer of 'Beaching' & 'Blonding'


Here at, we are lucky enough to have a panel of experts to sound off on those topics that leave the everyday girl scratching her head. Today, for example, we asked hair guru Zachary Morad to give us tips on how to treat dry, summer-scorched hair.

As you say goodbye to hot weather and prepare for fall, one thing you may start to notice is that your hair is looking a little dull and dry. Long days at the beach, fun in the sun and the decision to go a couple of shades lighter may have taken a toll on your strands this summer.

In times of transition, it's important to repair your hair from the previous season's damage. As a professional hair stylist, here are my go-to tips for rehabilitating your locks.

1. Treat Your Hair

The sun and sea have a way of breaking down the bonds in your hair, leaving strands coarse and dry, which can ultimately lead to breakage. Fortunately, some of this damage can be reversed by using a protein mask that repairs these broken bonds, allowing your hair to absorb more moisture on its own in the future. Look for a hair mask that's rich in oil and folic acid, which can promote hair growth and prevent breakage.

When it comes to DIY hair treatments, many people like to use coconut oil, but I prefer avocado oil. Avocado oil penetrates deep into you hair shaft, enriching your strands with amino acids and Vitamin E without making it look flat or greasy. As a bonus, apply avocado oil to your scalp to soothe irritations from sunburns and chemical processes.

PRO TIP: After washing your hair, apply the hair mask and let it sit for 30-45 minutes with a shower cap on top. Then rinse thoroughly.

After a season of beach waves and messy topknots, your hair may need a reboot. Trim your ends like you exfoliate your skin -by removing the dull, dry top layer, you'll reveal the hydrated, healthy hair that lies below!

3. Protect Your Hair

Repairing your hair isn't just a matter of replacing lost nutrients and trimming split ends-it's equally important to protect your hair from future damage. You can do this by applying a leave-in conditioner to wet hair before heat styling.

Finally, my favorite way to help clients' hair recover from a summer of sun and surf is to have them come into the salon for a glaze. Glazing your hair will not only restore its shine, it will also smooth out split ends by filling in the small divots that occur in the hair shaft. Think of it as a clear top-coat for your hair.

So there we have it. Summer 2016 has (nearly) come to an end, but your hair doesn't have to. Follow my tips above to repair your hair from summer highlights, long nights and beach days, and your hair will look lustrous well into the autumn months!

** What are your hair care secrets for repairing summer damage? Spill it in the comments below!

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