Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter Skin Care Tips


Newly engaged? Everyone is going to want to see the ring and admire its sparkle! But are your hands less than ready for a close-up? Cold, wintry weather means dry skin. We've gathered a few simple tips to keep your hands soft and ready to model that gorgeous rock!

Avoid super hot water.

Warm water is just fine, but if you like to talk scalding baths or showers, you are probably doing more harm than good. Try to avoid really long showers and baths to prevent the water from stripping away the natural oil barrier of your skin.

Moisturize after every shower or bath.

Once you get out of the bath, gently pat yourself dry. Being rough and hurried with the towel will only irritate your skin. Plus, you do want your skin slightly damp as you moisturize to help lock the lotion or oil into your skin. Use a lotion, balm, or oil. If you have sensitive skin, make sure any product is free of fragrance or dyes. Especially after a shower, use the richest moisturizer your skin can handle. While you might not use an oil-based moisturizer on your face (depending on your skin type), most people are find with a much heavier body lotion or oil.

Keep lotion handy.

Frequently moisturize your hands, particularly after washing them or while out and about in the cold weather. Wear soft cotton gloves, when you can, to keep the moisture trapped in as much as possible. If you get manicures with a paraffin wax dip, make sure to put lotion on before you leave the salon as you head back out in the cold.

Skip harsh astringents and exfoliators.

The goal of winter skin care is to not irritate it, so save the rougher scrubs and products for summer or for very sporadic use. If you need to exfoliate, try a product with vitamin C rather than a scrub.

Drink plenty of water and watch the salt.

The more hydrated you are, the better chance your skin has of being supple and smooth. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and avoiding beverages and food that will dehydrate you or cause water retention. Don't feel like a glass of ice water when the temperature creeps toward freezing? Simply warm up a cup of hot water in the kettle or microwave. Add in a wedge of lemon.

Use a humidifier.

If none of these tips are doing the trick, try purchasing a humidifier at your local drug store. They are fairly inexpensive, and also help you keep your sinuses clear during cold season. Just don't overdo it and turn your home into a virtual rainforest climate.

Photo Credits: Katherine Salvatori, Powers Photography

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