Julia's Celebrancy Services - Polka Dot Bride

Julia's Celebrancy Services - Polka Dot Bride


Happy Monday Dotties! A busy week is ahead for me and I am not sure I know which way is up - how is your week looking?

Before we kick off our own week of happy wedding inspiration it's time to highlight, spotlight and show off the members of Ms Polka Dot's Directory. We have Specialised Services, we have Menswear we have Cinematographers, we even have Hair & Beauty! We work really hard to get vendors on board who are lovely - they're excited to share a cup of tea and help you plan the best wedding day possible!

Check out Ms Polka Dot's Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

Julia of Julia's Celebrancy Services just loves a good wedding. In fact she loves lots of weddings - which is probably the reason she is a wedding celebrant. Being involved in one of life's most exciting moments and celebrating love is what Julia loves the most - and being able to sample the odd piece of wedding cake or two is a bonus! Some vendors just make you smile and Julie is one of them (her Youtube channel? Definitely one of my favourites!)

We asked Julia of Julia's Celebrancy Services five questions in five minutes -

What is your favourite after five drink?

This would have to be a big fruity red wine Sangria!

Your favourite weekend getaway?

Hmmm anywhere near a lovely winery.... The Yarra Valley or somewhere near Red Hill, these places make me happy.

Favourite restaurant?

Will a cafe do? I love Kofi Beans in Croydon. Amazing food, super healthy and great wine.

What can we find you eating for breakfast on a Sunday morning?

Baked beans on toast and a big mug of 'Monk Pear' tea

Your favourite wedding story?

This would have to be my very first wedding! We were under a big lovely tree down by the Yarra River in Warrandyte and when the bride arrived, she walked straight down the aisle, ran up to her man and they both started kissing with their arms all wrapped around each other. I was too embarrassed to interrupt them and it felt like an eternity until finally a relative in the crowd yelled out 'Come on guys, we've got a wedding to get on with! !!' Everyone laughed, the couple pried themselves a part from each other and I then started the ceremony!

Visit Julia's Celebrancy Services' page to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Julia's Celebrancy Services is a member of Ms Polka Dot's Directory

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