Coral and Navy Yacht Club Wedding in San Diego

Coral and Navy Yacht Club Wedding in San Diego


California weddings are among some of our favourite to feature on the blog.

There's something about the laid back vibes, endless sunshine and dreamy hues that makes them so fun, beautiful and romantic.

And all of that (and more) is true of Alex and Martha's gorgeous yacht club wedding, with spectacular photographs by Jasmine of Let's Frolic Together.

With punchy hues of coral, green and navy, stunning blooms, popcorn treats, and DIY touches, the styling and decor created with Lazulie + Blithe and Root 75 added a personalised touch to Martha and Alex's elegant yacht club venue.

We're already inspired by the bright bridesmaids, creative floristry, and the dazzling San Diego seaside.

So add in a little help from their friends, and a lot of dancing, and Alex and Martha had the makings of their beautiful best day ever...

Wedding Day Snapshot

We'll hand you over to the talented Jasmine of Let's Frolic Together to tell us a little about this lovely wedding, then scroll down for more from Martha on her and Alex's big day...

From The Photographer

Seaside loveliness, boats and lush greenery and so very much love. Martha & Alex not only threw such an adorably lovely wedding, but rallied the craziest party animal friends and family together for a truly fun celebration. I loved the sweet and gentle quality of the florals, and Martha's bold choice of a bright corally pink as her main wedding color. Then the charming calligraphic meets nautical event design elements by Lazulie + Blithe were utterly delightful! I love that Martha held this awesome day at her dad's yacht club, as it brought a little extra familiarity to the event. The nautical elements combined with the festive spirit and quaint details were such a joy.

Our Love Story

We went to the same high school but were only acquaintances then.Alex is a few years older than me and in high school I regarded him as a "cool older kid." When I was in college we had a house party and my roommate was coincidently friends with Alex and invited him to our party.When I saw Alex I was immediately drawn to him and forced my roommate to keep bringing him around. We started dating after that and seven years later we got engaged!Alex proposing was a complete surprise.He picked out the ring himself and surprised me since we hadn't planned on getting married until I was done with school. He proposed on my favorite beach on the way to our families' house for Thanksgiving. It was perfect because we got to enjoy the engagement with all our family together and then we took off to Mammoth for the weekend to celebrate.

Our Wedding In Three Words

Party, joyous and sunny.


$20,000 (we went over by about 7 grand)

The Decor & Details

Our wedding theme was yacht club woodsy, the colors were navy, coral, off-white and green. The décor was made by myself, my wedding planner, and my friends. We had an open bar with wine bottles on the table. We made our own wine labels for the bottles. We also had friends that worked for Firestone Brewery who supplied free beers. Our friends played the live band and were the MC. They played our first dance live and played the song that I used to walk down the aisle. My favorite part of our wedding was our first dance (Sam Smith, "Latch" played live by our friends) and the last dance Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody" because everyone sang along at the top of their lungs and My advice is figure out the most important things for you personally and try to stay true to them because there is no perfect venue and no perfect wedding (unless you're a billionaire maybe). As long as you're surrounded by the people you love it, will be an amazing, joyous occasion. Don't lose sight of what the day is really about! (you and your love!) lifted us on their shoulders.

Advice for Other Couples

Be inspired by more Chic + Modern real weddings.

This sounds like such a fun wedding. I just love the mix and match bridesmaids in coral, those stunning blooms, and how gorgeous is Jasmine's photography too?

Thanks so much to Jasmine of Let's Frolic Together, and our newlyweds Martha & Alex for sharing their fabulous San Diego wedding with us.

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