A softly elegant Virginia family wedding with lace and flower crowns

A softly elegant Virginia family wedding with lace and flower crowns


Can you feel the Southern elegance in this wedding? Tiffany and Lander said their vows outside a historic mansion in Virginia last June. Swoon with me if you will over the old brick paths, Tiffany's fantastic lace dress, and the soft pastel colors everywhere. I'm also really loving that they gave their guests honey as favors. Look at the cuteness of those tiny glass jars! With bee ornaments!

Speaking of cute... Tiffany and Landers' 18-month-old daughter stole the show for me. Not gonna lie, her little flower crown and her funny faces are top notch.


Cake Designer: Cakes by Graham * Floral designer: Flowers By Mona Ray * Photographer: Bob Schnell Photography * Venue: Historic Mankin Mansion

Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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