10 Wishes I Have For My Son and His Future Wife

10 Wishes I Have For My Son and His Future Wife



    Winifred M. Reilly Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of the relationship advice blog Speaking of Marriage

Wedding experts say that the three-month stretch between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day is prime time for proposals. With the sparkle of Christmas and the promise of the new year lending an air of romance, nearly forty percent of couples choose this time to get engaged. To my delight, this year, my son and his fiancée are among them.

While the coming months will be taken up with writing guest lists and weighing the pros and cons of a winter wedding (with its possibility of ice storms) or a wedding in June (with its guarantee of mosquitoes) I'm keeping in mind the many years that will follow.

Millions of couples marry each year. Like my son and his fiancée, and my husband and I, they'll step into marriage bright-eyed, optimistic, ready to give it their all. The good news: despite all the challenges that marriage can bring, a vast majority of them will succeed.

To my son, my lovely future daughter-in-law, and all of you who are newly-engaged, here are my hopes, wishes and words of advice:

1. Some problems are easy to resolve, while others will require patience, effort, and creativity. Though there will be things about which you disagree, never consider a problem to have been solved when one person wins and the other loses.

2. A good marriage requires that we act like grown-ups without forgetting the importance of being thoroughly silly. Please don't let life's challenges keep you from laughing at yourselves and feeling delight at making snow angels in the year's first snow storm. (Or even the second.)

3. None of us comes into marriage with all we need for success. We learn "on the job" -- benefiting as much from our failures as our successes. When the going gets rough it's most often a sign that we need some new skills, not a sign that we need a new spouse.

4. Though all of us who love you wish for the wind to always be at your backs, there will be times that the winds of life blast you right in the face. In whatever hard times that come, may you have each other to turn to. Please remember that you're on the same team. Even when things are hard. Even when you don't see eye-to-eye.

5. We learn a lot more from listening than we do from talking.

6. Marriage is a long, ongoing negotiation about how two people are going to run things. Money. Intimacy. Parenting. Chores. As your needs change, so will your agreements. You can dig in your heels, or you can collaborate. Collaboration is a lot more rewarding.

7. As you move through the years, you will see your friends divorcing. Don't panic. Divorce isn't contagious. Though there's no guaranteed way to "divorce-proof" your marriage, your best shot at a loving and lasting marriage is to be a husband or wife your spouse would be foolish to leave.

8. Don't believe anyone who says that marriage doesn't take work. Marriage, like anything else worth doing, takes focus, commitment, and willingness to go outside of your comfort zone. For some people, work is another word for drudgery. I think that work, in the context of marriage, is another word for love.

9. It's always a good idea to be kind.

10. All that stuff about better or worse, good times and bad -- it's totally true. Forget about wedded bliss and living happily ever after. The best of marriages are a combination of difficulty and delight, surprise and predictability, aloneness and intimacy. A good marriage is about loving, despite disappointments. Regardless of differences. It's about knowing and accepting each other, opening your heart come what may -- creating a life that allows your love to grow deeper and more generous with time.


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Originally appeared on Speakingofmarriage.com

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