Detoxing: Does It Live Up To The Hype?

Detoxing: Does It Live Up To The Hype?


If you'd asked me three years ago to do any kind of detox programme, I can tell you with 100% certainty that I would have screamed back "Oh hell no!" But since turning 30 and spending a large proportion of my time in America (where there is a juice bar on nearly every corner!) the way my body feels on a daily basis has been on the forefront of my mind.

However, let's keep it real: alongside all those deliciously healthy juices, The Land Of The Free has streets lined with cheese, sugar and enough refined carbs to make even the most iron-stomached person winch in pain. Staying on-track and remaining healthy when you travel so much is bloody tough.

A little disclaimer before we begin: I know this is a sensitive subject for a lot of you. I'm right there with you. I am also massively opposed to any of the excess pressure and almost bullying tactics that so many wedding media outlets put on brides-to-be. I detest the idea of a company praying on the insecurities we have about or bodies (of which, let's be honest, there are many!) to make money. Period.

There's a fine balance between succumbing to the pre-wedding weightloss bullshit, and just really wanting to look your very best on your big day. If you want to lose a few pounds then awesome, a milestone like a wedding can be a great motivator to get you back on track to good health. What it shouldn't provide though, is excess pressure surrounding how you're supposed to look, act or feel. Pushing yourself to reach unattainable and unrealistic ideals is NOT what Rock n Roll Bride is about.

However, giving your body a clean out and a kick start towards a healthier lifestyle is something to be encouraged. And although I would never, ever promote anything that pressurised brides (or any woman for that matter) to change their body for anyone else but themselves, if you do want to feel in tip top physical shape, then giving yourself a helping hand with short term detox programme before embarking on a more healthy way of life is a great place to begin.

Although I eat reasonably well on a day to day basis, when I'm travelling it's really difficult to make healthy choices. I also know I drink too much - wine is my Achilles heel! I can give or take pretty much any sweet treat you might put in front of me, but offer me an ice cold glass of Pinot and it's nearly impossible for me to resist.

Anyway, after a few weeks of gorging myself on pizza, bread and convenience foods in Canada last month, I was feeling awful. My energy was low, I was feelings sluggish and heavy and my skin was hating me! When I got home I felt like I really needed a health injection and so I signed up for Kaeng Raeng's three-day natural detox cleanse immediately. Detox programmes seem to be the thing to do at the moment (green juice anyone?) so I thought I might as well give one a bash.

It's a super simple meal replacement system. The pouches come in three flavours and each contains a full serving of fruit and 15g non-gmo protein. They are also high in fibre and naturally occurring vitamins.

While the easiest way to consume the powder is by shaking it up in the reusable bottle (which comes with the pack) with 24 oz water, it can get a bit boring on it's own. They actually taste pretty good but to make it a bit more exciting and varied they suggest adding juice, non-dairy milk, or by blending it with fruit, ice, and water in a blender. My favourite combo was the strawberry, raspberry and pineapple packet added to coconut milk, ice and extra strawberries, raspberries and some pineapple! Yum!

The best thing about this cleanse is that you don't have to starve yourself. To keep those stomach rumbles at bay, you can snack on as many raw fruit and veggies as you like. I had a large salad mid-afternoon and some variety of vegetables with a little Sriracha sauce around dinner time (that might have technically been cheating but oh well!) I also became obsessed with perfecting my guacamole recipe and I bought more fruit in one shopping trip than I probably buy all year! Summer is the perfect time to do this programme, by the way, because the supermarkets are stocked full of fresh summer fruits and berries!

I know what you really want to know though - was it difficult and what were the results like?

It actually wasn't that bad. Yes, I was a little cranky on day one but by the second day I'd got over it. I did miss my morning cup of tea and my evening glass half bottle of wine, but apart from that it was surprising easy to keep up. When blended with fruit and ice the smoothies were actually pretty filling too. The hunger wasn't even that bad, and I struggled to finish all three smoothies every day!

I haven't weighed myself for about eight years so I couldn't tell you if I lost any weight, but really, that's not the goal. My stomach is definitely a little flatter and I do feel overall a lot lighter on my feet. My plan now, as recommended by the programme, is to slowly start reintroducing protein (oh how I missed cheese!) and non starchy carbs.

While a short term detox is unlikely to completely change your body shape or your overhaul your health significantly on it's own, if you want to give your body a kick start in a healthier direction then a programme such as this one is a great place to start.

Win a Kaeng Raeng's natural detox cleanse!

If you fancy giving a detox cleanse a go but are nervous, then don't be. Look, if I can do it, you CERTAINLY can! If you still need a little incentive though, those lovely creatures at Kaeng Raeng would like to offer one Rock n Roll bride reader a free 3-day programme for them to try for themselves. The shakes are also vegan, gluten free, soy free, caffeine free, nut free, non-gmo, all natural, and only locally sourced ingredients!

To enter, simply like Kaeng Raeng on Facebook and then comment below letting me know why you'd like to try it. Contest is open to all readers of Rock n Roll Bride, wherever you are on the planet! You have until Sunday 6th July to comment and the winner will be randomly selected after that date.

Kaeng Raeng are also offering every single one of you 15% off the three-day programme. Just enter the code "ROCKNROLL" at the checkout. Discount is valid until July 6th 2014.

Ts and Cs

♥ One winner will receive a three-day Kaeng Raeng cleanse.
♥ Closing date for entries is 6th July 2014. Winner will be selected at random and emailed after that date.
♥ Contest open to all Rock n Roll Bride readers over the age of 18, regardless of where you are in the world. Depending on your home country, you may be liable to pay customs charges to receive your prize.
♥ Only 1 entry per IP address.
♥ If for any reason the advertised prize is unavailable, Kaeng Raeng reserves the right to substitute a similar prize of equivalent or greater value. None of the prizes may be exchanged or transferred and no cash alternative will be offered.
♥ By entering the draw, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete.
♥ Liability cannot be accepted for entries which are lost in transit or not received due to technical difficulties.
♥ Kaeng Raeng's decision and any decision taken by the promoter is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
♥ The winners will be contacted via their email address within a week of the the competition draw date. Rock n Roll Bride/ Kaeng Raeng will not amend contact information provided.
♥ No purchase necessary.

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