A nest of eggs? Seven pounds of iron? These 25 epic non-floral bouquets will ignite your creativity

A nest of eggs? Seven pounds of iron? These 25 epic non-floral bouquets will ignite your creativity


Felt and paper bouquets are super popular for good reason - they're fucking awesome! And you can keep them around a hell of a lot longer than real flowers. But I am here to tell you that there are oh so many more options for your alternative bouquet. Believe it or don't, but 25 is just a fraction of the examples we've got squirreled away on Offbeat Bride in our non-floral bouquet archive.

You want metal? Sure - copper or iron? Or maybe you want seashells? Twigs? Holiday ornaments? EGGS? You want to go super old-school with a sheaf of wheat?! We got you covered, y'all. Love a particular bouquet? Click on its photo to read the full post about the wedding it came from!

25. Peacock feather fans for fluttery finery.

24. Maps and feathers and buttons, oh my!

23. Hand-embroidered felt flowers last forever.

22. Holiday lights and ornaments for a festive bouquet.

21. Accessorize your feathers with Swarovski crystals.

20. Romantic and ethereal: colored-glass, starry lanterns.

19. Egg bouquets make for a fun nod to fertility or, heck, how much you love breakfast.

18. Barbie dolls in ball gowns are a poofy bouquet alternative!

17. Your DIY brooch bouquet tutorial awaits you.

16. A sheaf of wheat is one of the oldest wedding bouquets in history.

15. Foodie bouquet alert! Herbs and fiddleheads and artichokes and kale.

14. Welded copper flowers for when you need something a little more durable than paper and felt.

13. Crocheted roses = cuddly bouquet.

12. Wire bouquets. Less cuddly but AWESOME.

11. Peppermint lollipops are a delicious bouquet any time of the year!

10. Flower cookies onna stick - share with your groom if you're feeling generous.

9. Spices for everyone! Say it with anise.

8. Slip a sexy lil pink feather fan on your wrist.

7. Parasols help a bride keep her cool.

6. WEDDING MUFF. Embroidered, for extra pretty.

5. Who doesn't love pinwheels? NOBODY.

4. Don't feel like crocheting or knitting? Carry the yarn balls, yo.

3. Airplant bouquet for an airy alternative. (No? Too much?)

2. Beach wedding? Seashell bouquet OF COURSE.

1. We've seen lollipops and peppermint sticks and cookies. How about suckers?

Who's saying YES to a non-floral bouquet for their wedding? Tell us what you'll carry... or twirl or spin or brandish?

About Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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